About Us

Our mother company « LIGHT WORLD s.r.o » ‘s new Director, Mr KARL ARNOLD from the Federal Republic of Germany, was appointed on January 21, 2023 represent the interests of the Global investors group.

« LIGHT WORLD s.r.o Africa » is its official representative on the Africa continent/ Office in the Republic of Togo.

 Our main activities : Management of the investment contract with the system investor. The System Investor is an individual, trust or state represented by an authorized representative, or other persons who have the right to own and dispose the financial assets that exceed the needs of one state and are provided on a reimbursable basis as credit and issue collateral in the system of international settlements of Central banks and are registered with the Bank for International Settlements, Basel, Switzerland- Bank International Settlement-BIS.

Some of the funds have a free purpose and can be invested by the investor himself or his authorized organizations on the basis of direct contracts. In this case, Light World s.r.o has such a contract for direct investment in the real sector of the world economy.